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International Meeting on Air Pollution in Asia – Inventories, Monitoring and Mitigation
Meeting Image

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) from the Asian region have been increasing continuously due to rapid population growth and industrial activities. Specifically, the South and Southeast Asia (S/SEA) countries have a population of 2.36 billion, representing 30.66% of the world’s population in only 6.57% of the world’s land area. Population growth and urbanization in S/SEA have caused immense pressure to convert land from natural and agricultural areas into residential and urban uses with significant impacts on ecosystem services. Several major cities in S/SEA have air quality issues, most of which can be attributed to rapid industrialization and urbanization associated with land use/cover changes. In addition, vegetation fires and biomass burning emissions from slash-and-burn agriculture and crop residue burning are significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions and aerosols in the region. Addressing the land cover/land use changes (LCLUC) and associated impacts, such as air pollution, is an important focus of the South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI).

Quantification of GHG’s and SLCP from different sources in Asia and understanding their health and climate impacts is an important task requiring integration of measurements, mapping, and monitoring involving both top-down (satellite remote sensing) and bottom-up (ground-based) approaches. Through involving the South/and Southeast Asia Researchers (SARI), including several other international programs such as the Global Observations of Forest and Land Use Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) South/Southeast Asia regional information networks, researchers from the National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES, Japan), ASEAN community and others, we envisage to achieve the following objectives: 1). Review GHG and SLCP emission estimates and methodologies from different sources including biomass burning in the Asian region; 2). Understand the impact of GHGs and aerosols on local climate, including health impacts; 3). Explore the potential of satellite remote sensing datasets for quantifying pollutants, aerosols, and pollution episodes; 4). Review modeling approaches for characterizing emissions; 5). Strengthen the regional information exchange and training activities through effective collaborations.

The meeting will have the following scientific sessions:

-Regional Campaigns/Projects on Air Pollution in Asia
-Regional Space Agency Presentations
-Agriculture, Forests and Other Land Use Emissions (AFOLU);
-Land Use/Cover Changes and Pollution
-Anthropogenic emissions inventory
-Biomass burning emissions
-Aerosols, Particulate Matter (PM) pollution, Air Quality, and Health impacts

Meeting dates

February 1, 2, 3, 2023
Meeting Venue
-Hanoi Club hotel, 76 Yen Phu Str., Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

Mandatory Meeting Registration
All participants attending the meeting should register using the below link. Without registration, it will be difficult to provide logistic support (name badges, food, etc.). Only registered participants will be allowed to attend the meeting.

International Meeting Convenors:  
Dr.Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Scientist, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA;
Dr.Chris Justice, Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), USA;
Dr.Matsunaga Tsuneo, National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan;
Dr. Garik Gutman, Program Manager, NASA Headquarters;
Dr. Toshimasa Ohara, Center for Environmental Science in Saitama, Japan;
Dr. Son Nghiem, Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA;
Dr.Wataru Takeuichi, Professor, Remote sensing of environment and disaster, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan;>
Dr.John Padgham, START International Inc., Washington DC.

National Convenors:
Dr. Vu Anh Tuan, Vice Director General, Vietnam National Space Center, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,
Dr. Lam Dao Nguyen, Vietnam National Space Center, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,
Mrs, Do Van Nguyet, Director, Live & Learn, Vietnam,
Dr. Nguyen Thi Trang Nhung, Hanoi University of Public Health,  
Dr. Nguyen Thi Nhat Thanh, Vietnam National University, Vietnam;
Dr. Bui Quang Hung, Director, FIMO Center, VNU University of Engineering and Technology;

Local Hotels:

Pan Pacific Hotel – (500m from the venue)
1 Thanh Nien road, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Sheraton Hanoi Hotel - (1.1km from the venue)
K5 Nghi Tam, 11 Xuan Dieu road, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam

InterContinental Westlake Hanoi – (1.4km from the Venue)
5 Tu Hoa road, Quang An Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Flower Garden Hotel – (1.6km from the venue)
46 Nguyen Truong To Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi,

Hanoi Le Jardin Hotel – (1.6km from the venue)
46A Nguyen Truong To Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam

The Q Hotel – (1.7km from the venue)
87 Nguyen Truong To Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Affordable Hotel Options

Check the below cheaper Hotels on Tripadvisor with Hotel prices and breakfast included. The prices might vary. Please check again.

Lake View Hotel  ~40USD per night    
 28 Thanh Nien Road, Yen Phu Ward, Tay Ho District, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Hotel Victory - (~39.00 USD per night)     
200 Yen Phu Street, Yen Phu Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam

La Sante Hotel & Spa (~40USD per night)
42 Chau Long Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Check Tripadvisor

May De Ville Hotel 2 (~42USD per night)
57 Pham Hong Thai Street, Truc Bach Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Dragon Hotel (~42USD per night)
48 Xuan Dieu Road, Quang An Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi

Oriental Palace ($44 USD per night with breakfast)
33 Tay Ho Road, Quang An Ward, Tay Ho District, Hanoi


Meeting Presentations

DAY 1 (1st February, Wednesday)

Opening Session - I 

Welcome Address – Vu Tuan (Vice Director General, Vietnam National Space Center, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Welcome Remarks - Nguyen Hoai Son (Head of Division of Science, Technology and International Relations, University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University Hanoi, Vietnam)
Welcome Remarks –Chris Justice (NASA LCLUC Program and University of Maryland College Park, USA) 
Welcome Remarks - US Ambassador, Marc Knapper - (Vietnam)  
Welcome Remarks –Toshimasa Ohara (National Institute of Environmental Studies,  Japan)
Welcome Remarks - Krishna Vadrevu (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA)
Session II - Programmatic Presentation
Chair: Chris Justice (NASA LCLUC Program and University of Maryland College Park, USA) 
Keynote Presentations (20-mins)
NASA LCLUC Program Updates and Meeting Objectives – Chris Justice (NASA LCLUC Program and UMd, USA) Chris_Justice LCLUC Program.pdf
Vietnam National Space Center Activities – Vu Tuan (Vietnam National Space Center, Vietnam) Vu_Tuan_VNSC activities.pdf
Other Programmatic Presentations
NASA South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) – Krishna Vadrevu (NASA MSFC, USA) Krishna_SARI_Vietnam.pdf
LASER Pulse Project - Improving Air Pollution Monitoring and Management of Vietnam With Satellite Observations - Nguyễn Thị Nhật Thanh (VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam) Thanh Nguyen - Laser Pulse Project Introduction and current Results - final version.pdf
GISTDA Updates -  Kandasri Limpakom (GISTDA) Kandasri_GISTDA Activities.pdf
Session III - GHG and Pollutant Emission Inventories including Decision Support Systems
Chair: Toshimasa Ohara (NIES and CESS, Japan)
Co-Chair: Thanh Nguyen (VNU UET, Vietnam)
Keynote Presentations
GOSAT-2 Observation in Southeastern Asia Over the Past Three Years: CO2, CH4, CO, And Aerosols - Tsuneo Matsunaga (National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan) Matsunaga_GOSAT_Matsunaga.pdf
Long-Term Trends Of Anthropogenic Emissions In East/Southeast Asia – Toshimasa Ohara (NIES, CESS, Japan) Toshimasa_Ohara_final.pdf
Technical Presentations
An Air Pollution Monitoring System Using In-Situ Sensors And MODIS Data Products In Ho Chi Minh City – Vu Phan (Ho Chi Minh City International University, Vietnam)
Unfolding The Emissions And Mitigation Strategies Over Five South-Asian Mega-Cities Of India – Poonam Mangaraj (Utkal University, India)
Application of big data-remote sensing processing solution for air pollution monitoring in Hanoi-Nghiem Van Tuan (Department of National Remote Sensing, Ministry of Resources and Environment, Vietnam) Nghiem Van Tuan_Air pollution monitoring by Bigdata-RS.pdf
Air Pollution In Bangladesh: Challenges And Strategies For Mitigation - Md Firoz Khan (North South University, Bangladesh) Firoz_Khan_Vietnam.pdf
The Impact Of Thermal Power Plants On Air Quality In Vietnam: A Perspective From Remotely Sensed Data – ​Ha Quang Hung (Fulbright School of Public Policy and Management, Vietnam) Ha_Quang_Hung_ThermalPowerPlants.pdf
Bottom-Up Emissions Inventory Analysis in Philippines - Edgar Vallar (De La Salle University, Philippines) Edgar_Vallar_SARI Presentation.pdf
Continuous Monitoring Technology for PM2.5 and Elements in Ambient Air- Dan Nguyen Van (Horiba, Vietnam) Dan Nguyen Van_Continuous Monitoring Technology.pdf
DAY 2 (2nd February, Wednesday)
Space Agency Presentation - Philippines Space Agency and Remote Sensing Activities – Gay Perez (Philippines Space Agency) GayPerez_LCLUC 2023.mp4
Session IV - Land Use and Emissions
Chair: Krishna Vadrevu (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA)
Co-Chair: Edgar Vallar (De La Salle University, Philippines)​
Keynote Presentations
Effects of Three-Dimensional Urbanization Patterns and Topography on Air Pollution Processes in Asia – Son Nghiem (JPL, USA) Son_Nghiem - Air Pollution in Asia.pdf
Peri Urbanization, Land Use Changes And Air Quality In Viet Nam - Sumeet Saxena (East West Center, USA) Sumeet_Saksena_Periurban.pdf
Technical Presentations (15-min Presentation; 5-min discussion)
Monitoring rice paddies and methane emission in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam – Lam Dao Nguyen (VNSC, VAST, Vietnam) Lam Dao Nguyen.pdf
Myanmar LULCC and Emission Challenges - Zaw Naing, Thin Nwe Htwe, Mar Lar Yu Aung and Win Myint Oo (Mandalay Technologies and Mandalar University, Myanmar)  Zaw_Naing_Myanmar.pdf
Decision Support System Of GHG Emissions From Rice Cultivation Systems In The Mekong Delta – Hironori Arai (International Rice Research Institute, Philippines’) Hiranori_Arai_SARI_2023.pdf
Impacts of Nitrogen Pollution on forests of Himalaya with lichens as an indicator - Sudipto Chatterjee (TERI School of Advanced Study, India) Sudipto_Chatterjee_TERI.pdf
Carbon Stock Assessment For Upland Forests In Cambodia – Kim Soben (Royal University of Cambodia) KIM SOBEN RUA.pdf
Land Use/Cover Change in Vietnam and Implications - Steve Leisz (Colorado State University, USA) Stephen_Leisz.pdf
Soil And Road Dust Emissions, A Missing Link Between The Monitored And Simulated Fine Particulate Matter, A Case Study With Hanoi, Vietnam - Kim Oanh (Asia Institute of Technology, Thailand) Kim_Oanh_Roaddust emissions.pdf
Session V - Air Quality and Health Including COVID Impacts
Chair: Masahiro Kawasaki (Kyoto University, Japan)
Co-Chair: Steve Leisz (Colorado State University, USA)​
Keynote Presentation (20-min Presentation; 5-min discussion)
Assessment and Mitigation of Health Impacts of Personal Exposure to Airborne Particulate Matter - Rajasekhar Balasubramanian (National University of Singapore) 
Technical Presentations (15-min Presentation; 5-min discussion)
Health Burden Relating To Exposure To Ambient Air Pollution In Vietnam:  Sciences  Evidence For Policy – Nhung Nguyen (Hanoi University of Public Health, Vietnam) Nhung_Nguyen.pdf
National Emission Inventory Of Air Pollutants And Its Linkage With COVID-19 In India  - Saroj Sahu (Utkal University, India) 
Residents’ Preferred Measures And Willingness-To-Pay For Improving Urban Air Quality In Hanoi City, Vietnam – Thanh Nguyen (National Economic University, Vietnam) Thanh_Nguyen_Cong.pdf
Air Quality Monitoring in Manila Using an Affordable Raspberry PI and Arduino Based Sensors: Impacts of Covid-19" - Maria Cecilia Galvez (De La Salle University, Philippines) Maria_Cecilia_Galvez_Air quality.pdf
Chemical Characteristics, Source Apportionment, And Health Risk Assessment Of Heavy Metals In PM2.5 In Bien Hoa City, Southern Vietnam – Hoang Anh Le (Vietnam University of Science, Vietnam) Hoang_Anh_Le.pdf
Urban Air Pollution In Ho Chi Minh City: Current Status And Trends - Thi Hien To (Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) 
DAY 3 (3rd February, Friday)
Space Agency Presentation – Indonesia LAPAN Space Agency and Remote Sensing Activities – Rokhis Komruddin (National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia) Rokhis Komruddin Presentation
Session VI - Aerosol Pollution
Chair: Maria Cecilia Galvez (De La Salle University, Philippines)​
Co-Chair: Hoang Anh Le (Vietnam University of Science, Vietnam)​
Keynote Presentation (20-min Presentation; 5-min discussion)​
A Generic Method for Retrieval of Aerosol over Land from Passive Optical Remote Sensing Data - Eric Vermote (NASA GSFC) Eric_Vermote-Sari-Hanoi-2023.pdf
POP-A Pollution Observation Platform for Monitoring PM2.5 using Satellite Data -Tung HOANG (VNU UET, Hanoi) 
Technical Presentations (15-min Presentation; 5-min discussion)
Impacts Of Springtime Carbonaceous Aerosols In Northern Peninsular Southeast Asia And The Western North Pacific: An Overview - Shantanu Pani (National Central University, Taiwan) Shantanu_Pani.pdf
Characteristics Of Haze In Southeast Asia And Hanoi – Thuy Ly (School of Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam) Bich_Thuy_Ly.pdf
AERONET Station In Dibrugarh, Northeast India And Aerosol Variations -Shukla Acharjee (Dibrugarh University, India) Shukla_acharjee_vietnam.pdf
Vertical Profiling Of Particulate Matter (PM2.5 And PM10) and Meteorological Factors At The Urban Atmospheric Boundary Layer (UABL) Using An Air Quality Integrated System - Arnis Asmat (University Technology Mara, Malaysia) Arnis_Asmat.pdf
Indoor And Outdoor Relationships Of Size Fractionated Particulate Matters In Urban Residential Houses In Vietnam And Deposited Dose Estimation - Vo Thi Le Ha (Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam) Vo_Thi_Le_Ha.pdf
Analyses of Aerosol Optical Properties During Seasonal Monsoon Circulation - Lim Hwee San (Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)  Analyses of Aerosol Optical Properties Presentation.mp4
Geospatial Modeling of PM2.5 in Thailand – Woranut Chansury (GISTDA, Thailand) Woranut_Chansuri.pdf
Session VII - Biomass Burning Emissions
Chair: Kim Oanh (Asia Institute of Technology, Thailand)​
Co-Chair: Lam Dao Nguyen (VNSC, VAST, Vietnam)
Keynote Presentation (20-min Presentation; 5-min discussion)
Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fires – An Overview – Chris Justice (University of Maryland College Park) Chris-Justice-Remote-Sensing-of-Vegetation-Fires.pdf
Technical Presentations (15-min Presentation; 5-min discussion)
Vegetation Fires and Emissions in South/Southeast Asia during COVID-19 and Pre-Pandemic – Krishna Vadrevu (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA) Krishna_Vegetation-Fires.pdf
Integrated Emission Inventory And Modelling To Assess The Distribution Of Major Pollutants From Rice Straw Open Burning In Hanoi, Vietnam - Hoang Anh Le (VNU University of Science, Vietnam) Hoang_An_Le.pdf
Measurements Of XCO2 And AOD In The Fire-Prone Peatland Of Central Kalimantan – Masahiro Kawasaki (Kyoto University, Japan) Masahiro_Kawasaki Japan.pdf
Status of Biomass Burning in the Laos – Chittana Pomphila (National University of Laos, Laos) Chittana_PomPhila_Laos.pdf
Discussion Session - Research Needs and Priorities
Chair: Chris Justice (NASA LCLUC Program and University of Maryland College Park, USA) 
Co-Chair: Krishna Vadrevu (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA)
Meeting Outputs – Krishna Vadrevu (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, USA)
Vote Of Thanks – Thanh Nguyen (VNU UET), Chris Justice (UMd) and  Krishna Vadrevu (NASA MSFC)


Training Description

Training Workshop on Fundamentals of Remote Sensing

The training workshop will provide a forum to interact with remote sensing experts on forestry, agriculture, and water resources. The focus will be on using both Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical datasets. The introductory lectures will combine practical training involving basic and advanced methods.

Attendees: University students, researchers, Government, and Non-Government Organizations


February 8,9,10th, 2023

Training Venue

Royal University of Agriculture, Auditorium hall, Dongkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Mandatory Training Registration

All participants attending the training should register using the link below. Without registration, it will be difficult to provide logistic support (name badges, food, etc.). Only registered participants will be allowed to attend the meeting.

International Steering Committee

Dr. Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Remote Sensing Scientist, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, Phone: 256-321-9492; and Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park, USA; Email:

Dr. Chris Justice, Professor, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland College Park (UMCP), NASA LCLUC Project Scientist, the GEOGLAM Program, USA, Phone: 301.405.4050;

Dr. Garik Gutman, NASA Land Cover/Land Use Change Program, Washington DC,USA;

Dr. Thuy Le Toan, CESBIO, France;

Dr.Son Nghiem, Remote Sensing Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA;

Dr.Wataru Takeuchi, Professor, Remote Sensing of Environment and Disaster, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan 

Dr.Sridhar Venkataramana, Virginia Tech, USA;

Local Steering Committee

Mr. KIM Soben, Dean of Faculty of Forestry, Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia. Dongkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Huon Thavrak, Vice Rector, Royal University of Agriculture, Dongkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;

Mr. Thav Sopheak, Lecturer and Researcher, Faculty of Forestry, Royal University of Agriculture, Dongkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;

Dr. Sakanann Vann, Researcher, Faculty of Forestry, Royal University of Agriculture, Dongkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;

Sok Serey, Royal University of Phenom Penh, Phenom Penh, Cambodia;

Local Hotels

Hotel Cambodiana

Himawari Hotel

Raffles Hotel Le Royal (5stars)

Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra

Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel

Le President Hotel