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Detection and Monitoring of LCLUC

Displaying 76 - 100 of 185
Start Date Title
05/01/2015 Climatic and Socioeconomic Drivers of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change in Tropical Andean Alpine Wetlands
05/01/2015 How Environmental Change in Central Asian Highlands Impacts High Elevation Communities
05/01/2015 Land Use Change in the Caucasus Mountains Due to Ethnic Differences, National Policies, and Armed Conflicts
05/01/2015 Large-Scale Land Transactions as Drivers of Land-Cover Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
05/01/2015 Management of Social-Ecological Grazing Systems in the Altai Mountain Transboundary Zone
05/01/2015 Twenty-Five Years of Community Forestry: Mapping Forest Dynamics in the Middle Hills of Nepal
05/01/2015 Urbanization and Sustainability Under Global Change and Transitional Economies:Synthesis from Southeast, East and North Asia (SENA)
04/01/2014 Forest, Agricultural, and Urban Transitions in Mainland Southeast Asia: Synthesizing Knowledge and Developing Theory
04/01/2014 LCLUC Synthesis: Ecosystem-Society Interactions on a Changing Mongolian Plateau
04/01/2014 Monitoring and Mapping the Area, Extent and Shifting Geographies of Industrial Forests in the Tropics
04/01/2014 Multiscale Synthesis of Land Cover and Land Use, Climatic and Societal Changes in Drylands of Central Asia
04/01/2014 Yamal LCLUC Synthesis: A Synthesis of Remote-Sensing Studies, Ground Observations and Modeling to Understand the Social-Ecological Consequences of Climate Change and Resource Development on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia and Relevance to the Circumpolar Arctic
01/01/2013 Environmental and Socioeconomic Outcomes of the New African Green Revolution
01/01/2013 Land Management Impacts on Water Quality in New Zealand Across Political Boundaries
01/01/2013 The Role of Environmental, Socioeconomic, Institutional, and Land-Cover/LandUse Change Factors to Explain the Pattern and Causal Drivers of Anthropogenic Fires in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe
01/01/2013 The Urban Transition in Ghana and Its Relation to Land Cover and Land Use Change Through Analysis of Multi-Scale and Multi-Temporal Satellite Image Data
01/01/2013 Understanding and Simulating Global Urban Expansion in the Context of Climate Change
01/01/2013 Water Institutions and Agricultural Land-Use Change Across the Western U.S.
12/15/2012 Social Drivers of Land Cover Change Around African Transboundary Peace Parks
01/01/2012 Land and Resource Use on the Amazon Floodplain Under Evolving Management Systems and Environmental Change: Fish, Forests, Cattle, and Settlements
01/01/2012 LCLUC Synthesis: Forested Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Far East of Northern Eurasia Under the Combined Drivers of Climate and Socio-Economic Transformation
01/01/2012 Mapping and Monitoring of Wetland Dynamics for Improved Resilience and Delivery of Ecosystem Services in the Mid-Atlantic Region
01/01/2012 Synthesis of Studies on Institutional Change and LCLUC Effects on Carbon, Biodiversity, and Agriculture After the Collapse of the Soviet Union
10/15/2011 Advancing methods for global crop area estimation
07/01/2011 Mapping of Urban Expansion Using Multi-Decadal Landsat and Nightlights Data Over North America