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Northern Eurasian Earth Science Partnership Initiative

Displaying 1 - 25 of 45
Start Date Title
01/12/2020 Interdependent Dynamics of Food, Energy and Water in Kazakhstan and Mongolia: Connecting LULCC to the Transitional Socioecological Systems
09/01/2018 Comprehensive Analysis of Thirty Years of Land Change in Georgia: Patterns, Carbon Dynamics and Drivers
05/01/2018 Land Use Patterns and Political Instability as Predictors for the Re-Emergence of Malaria in the Caucasus
01/01/2018 Long-Term Land Degradation in the Caucasus
05/01/2015 Land Use Change in the Caucasus Mountains Due to Ethnic Differences, National Policies, and Armed Conflicts
01/01/2013 The Role of Environmental, Socioeconomic, Institutional, and Land-Cover/LandUse Change Factors to Explain the Pattern and Causal Drivers of Anthropogenic Fires in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe
01/01/2012 Synthesis of Studies on Institutional Change and LCLUC Effects on Carbon, Biodiversity, and Agriculture After the Collapse of the Soviet Union
08/16/2011 Synthesis and Integration of Recent Research Characterizing The Carbon Cycle of Northern Eurasia
01/24/2011 Synthesis of forest growth, response to wildfires and carbon storage for Russian forests using a distributed, individual-based forest model
01/10/2011 Land Abandonment in Russia: Understanding Recent Trends and Assessing Future Vulnerability and Adaptation to Changing Climate and Population Dynamics
01/01/2011 Synthesis and Integration of Recent Research Characterizing The Carbon Cycle of Northern Eurasia
09/01/2009 Assimilation of Tower and Satellite-Based Methane Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes Over Northern Eurasia
06/01/2009 Adaptation to Rapid Land-Use and Climate Changes on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: Remote Sensing and Models for Analyzing Cumulative Effects
06/01/2009 Integrating Field and Remotely Sensed Data for Improved Characterization of Permafrost Landscapes in the Russian Arctic
06/01/2009 Land Use Change, Protected Areas, and Biodiversity in the Caucasus and Ural Mountains
05/22/2009 Response of Forest Growth to Climate Variability and Change: Remotely-Sensed and in situ Data for European Russia
05/21/2009 Contribution to Studies of LCLUC in Northern Eurasia
05/15/2009 Changes of Land Cover and Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Northern Eurasia: Impacts on Human Adaptation and Quality of Life at Regional and Global Scales
04/09/2009 Collaborative Research: Diagnosis of Changes in Alpine Water Storages and Land Surface Degradation in Pamir Mountains and Amu Dariya River Basin
04/01/2009 Assessment of Impacts of Land Cover and Land Use Change on Water and Energy Cycle in Caspian Sea Drainage Basin
03/15/2009 The Influence of Changing Forestry Practices on the Effects of Wildfire and on Interactions Between Fire and Changing Climate in Central Siberia
05/12/2008 Northern Eurasian Landscapes: Interactions between Humans, Hydrology, Land Cover and Land Use
04/01/2008 Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes in Temperate Forests of European Russia: The Past, the Current, and the Future
04/01/2008 Monitoring and Modeling Urbanization in China: A Mixed Methods and Multi-Scale Approach
01/01/2005 Application of Space-Based Technologies to Examine Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Along a Transect on the Yamal Peninsula and Novaya Zemlya, Russia