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Northern Eurasian Earth Science Partnership Initiative

Displaying 26 - 45 of 45
Start Date Title
01/01/2005 Evaluating the effects of institutional change on regional hydrometeorology: Assessing the vulnerability of the Eurasian semi-arid grain belt
01/01/2005 NELDA: Monitoring and Validating the Distribution and Change in Land Cover Across Northern Eurasia
01/01/2005 Role of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Hydrology of Eurasian Pan-Arctic
01/01/2005 Understanding the Role of Changes in Land-Use/Land-Cover and Atmospheric Dust Loading and their Coupling on Climate Change in the NEESPI Study Domain Drylands
01/01/2005 Wildfire, Ecosystems, and Climate: Examining the Relationships Between Weather, Extreme Fire Events and Fire-Induced Land-Cover Change in the Changing Climate of Siberia
01/01/2004 Carbon, Climate and Managed Land in Ukraine: Integrating Data and Models of Land Use for NEESPI
01/01/2004 Comparative Studies on Carbon Dynamics in Disturbed Forest Ecosystems: Eastern Russia and Northeastern China
01/01/2004 Development of an Integrated System of Ground-, Air- and Space-based Observations of Biomass Burning in Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 Diagnosis and Prognosis of Changes in Lake and Wetland Extent on the Regional Carbon Balance of Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 Modeling the Carbon Dynamics of the Eurasian Boreal Forest
01/01/2004 Northern Eurasia Landcover Dynamics Analysis (NELDA) Project: Monitoring and Validating the Distribution and Change in Land Cover Across Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 Northern Eurasian C-Land Use Climate Interaction in the Semi-Arid Regions
01/01/2004 Quantifying CO2 Fluxes from Boreal Forests in Northern Eurasia: An Integrated Analysis of Flux Tower Data, Remote Sensing Data and Biogeochemical Modeling
01/01/2004 Reindeer Mapper: A Remote Sensing and GIS-Based System to Bring Indigenous Traditional and Local Knowledge Together with Scientific Data and Information to Address Health Issues Resulting from Changes in Climate, Environment, Weather, and Pollution in Northern Russia
01/01/2001 Changes in Terrestrial Carbon Storage in Russia as a Result of Land-Use Change 1700-2000
01/01/2001 Modeling Siberian Boreal Forest Land-Cover Change and Carbon under Changing Economic Paradigms
01/01/2001 The Effects of Agricultural Expansion on Regional Hydrology in Southeastern Turkey
01/01/2000 Combined Satellite Mapping of Siberian Landscapes: Natural and Anthropogenic Factors Affecting Carbon Balance
01/01/2000 Estimating and Monitoring Effects of Area Burned and Fire Severity on Carbon Cycling, Emissions, and Forest Health and Sustainability in Central Siberia
01/01/1997 Effects of the Development of the Baikul-Amur Mainline Railroad on Patterns of Boreal Forest Cover and Carbon Fluxes in Southern Siberia