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Displaying 51 - 75 of 94
Start Date Title
01/01/2001 Land Use Change Around Protected Areas in LCLUC Sites: Synthesis of Rates, Consequences for Biodiversity, and Monitoring Strategies
01/01/2001 Land Use, Carbon, and Water in the Uplands of Southeastern North America
01/01/2001 Land-Cover and Land-Use Change in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula Region (SYPR): Part 2
01/01/2001 Landscape Dynamics and Land-Use Land-Cover Change in the Great Basin-Mojave Desert Region
01/01/2001 Regional NPP and Carbon Stocks in Southwestern USA Rangelands: Land-Use Impacts on the Grassland-Woodland Balance
01/01/2001 Scaling Up the Ecosystem Consequences of Forest Expansion in the Great Plains Region:  A Renewal Proposal
01/01/2001 Spatial Predictive Modeling and Remote Sensing of Land Use Change in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
01/01/2001 The Role of Land Cover Change in High Latitude Ecosystems: Implications for Carbon Budgets of North America
09/22/2000 Changing Landscapes of Rural America.
01/01/2000 Assessing Future Stability of US High Plains Land-Cover: Integration of Process Modeling with Landsat, In Situ Modern and Paleoclimatic Data
01/01/2000 Development Sprawl Impacts on the Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics of the United States
01/01/2000 Effects of Land-Use on Climate and Water Resources: Application of a Land Surface Model for Land-Use Management
01/01/2000 Fires and Emissions from Temperate and Boreal Ecosystems in North America: Past, Present, and Future
01/01/2000 Hierarchical Investigation of Socioeconomic Drivers of Decadal Scale Land-Cover Changes in the Upper Midwest
01/01/2000 Imaging Radar for the Study of Land Cover and Land Use Change
01/01/2000 Improvements in Landsat Pathfinder methods for monitoring tropical deforestation and their extension to extra-tropical areas
01/01/2000 Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Sonora, Mexico:  Trajectories of Agricultural Intensification and Consequences for Non-Agricultural Ecosystems: Part 2
01/01/2000 Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Decadal-Scale Dynamics of Land Ownership Land Management and Carbon Storage Patterns in the Southeastern Lower Coastal Plain Region of the U.S.
01/01/2000 Mapping and Modeling Forest Change in a Boreal Landscape
01/01/2000 Measuring Human Impacts on the Biodiversity of Ecosystems
01/01/2000 Modeling Carbon Dynamics and Their Economic Implications in Two Forest Regions: Pacific Northwestern USA and Northwestern Russia: Part 2
01/01/2000 Monitoring Boreal Landcover and Ecosystem Dynamics at Regional Scales using Integrated Spaceborne Radar Remote Sensing and Ecological Modeling
01/01/2000 Monitoring Forest Response to Past and Future Global Change in Greater Yellowstone
01/01/2000 Operational Monitoring of Alteration in Regional Forest Cover Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data
01/01/2000 Processing Multitemporal TM Imagery to Extract Forest Cover Change Features in Cleveland National Forest, Southern California