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Start Date Title
09/01/2021 Agricultural abandonment across the Eurasian steppe: effect on fires, vegetation succession and habitat quality for rare waterfowl species
02/01/2018 Crop Yield Assessment and Mapping by a Combined use of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Images
05/01/2015 Land Use Change in the Caucasus Mountains Due to Ethnic Differences, National Policies, and Armed Conflicts
04/01/2014 Regional and Global Climate and Societal Impacts of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Northern Eurasia: A Synthesis Study Using Remote Sensing Data and An Integrated Global System Model
08/16/2011 Synthesis and Integration of Recent Research Characterizing The Carbon Cycle of Northern Eurasia
01/24/2011 Synthesis of forest growth, response to wildfires and carbon storage for Russian forests using a distributed, individual-based forest model
01/10/2011 Land Abandonment in Russia: Understanding Recent Trends and Assessing Future Vulnerability and Adaptation to Changing Climate and Population Dynamics
09/01/2009 Assimilation of Tower and Satellite-Based Methane Observations for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes Over Northern Eurasia
06/01/2009 Land Use Change, Protected Areas, and Biodiversity in the Caucasus and Ural Mountains
05/22/2009 Response of Forest Growth to Climate Variability and Change: Remotely-Sensed and in situ Data for European Russia
05/21/2009 Contribution to Studies of LCLUC in Northern Eurasia
05/15/2009 Changes of Land Cover and Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Northern Eurasia: Impacts on Human Adaptation and Quality of Life at Regional and Global Scales
04/01/2009 Assessment of Impacts of Land Cover and Land Use Change on Water and Energy Cycle in Caspian Sea Drainage Basin
05/12/2008 Northern Eurasian Landscapes: Interactions between Humans, Hydrology, Land Cover and Land Use
04/01/2008 Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes in Temperate Forests of European Russia: The Past, the Current, and the Future
01/01/2005 NELDA: Monitoring and Validating the Distribution and Change in Land Cover Across Northern Eurasia
01/01/2005 Role of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Hydrology of Eurasian Pan-Arctic
01/01/2005 Understanding the Role of Changes in Land-Use/Land-Cover and Atmospheric Dust Loading and their Coupling on Climate Change in the NEESPI Study Domain Drylands
01/01/2004 Carbon, Climate and Managed Land in Ukraine: Integrating Data and Models of Land Use for NEESPI
01/01/2004 Diagnosis and Prognosis of Changes in Lake and Wetland Extent on the Regional Carbon Balance of Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 Northern Eurasia Landcover Dynamics Analysis (NELDA) Project: Monitoring and Validating the Distribution and Change in Land Cover Across Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 Northern Eurasian C-Land Use Climate Interaction in the Semi-Arid Regions
01/01/2004 Quantifying CO2 Fluxes from Boreal Forests in Northern Eurasia: An Integrated Analysis of Flux Tower Data, Remote Sensing Data and Biogeochemical Modeling
01/01/2004 Quantifying the Effects of Land Use Change on Carbon Budgets in the Black Sea Region and China
01/01/2001 Changes in Terrestrial Carbon Storage in Russia as a Result of Land-Use Change 1700-2000