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Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Start Date Title
03/01/2023 Modulation of Climate Risks by Intensification of Urban and Agricultural Land Uses in the Arabian Peninsula
02/01/2023 Disentangling Land-Use Change in Central Africa to Understand the Role of Local and Indigenous Communities in Forest Restoration and Conservation
05/01/2018 Africa Burned Area Product Generation, Quality Assessment and Validation - Demonstrating a Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI) Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 Capability
05/01/2015 Large-Scale Land Transactions as Drivers of Land-Cover Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
01/01/2013 Environmental and Socioeconomic Outcomes of the New African Green Revolution
12/15/2012 Social Drivers of Land Cover Change Around African Transboundary Peace Parks
06/01/2008 Producing Composite Imagery and Forest Cover and Change Characterizations for the Humid Tropics - A Contribution to the MDGLS Activity
01/01/2004 Forest Biomass and Land-Use Change in Central Africa: Reducing Regional Carbon Cycle Uncertainty
01/01/2000 An Integrated Forest Monitoring System for Central Africa
01/01/2000 Coupling Land Use and Land Cover Changes, and Ecosystem Processes in Miombo Woodlands: Part 2
01/01/2000 Improvements in Landsat Pathfinder methods for monitoring tropical deforestation and their extension to extra-tropical areas
01/01/1997 Coupling Land Use and Land Cover Changes, and Ecosystem Processes in Miombo Woodlands
01/01/1997 Deforestation and Degradation in Central and Southern Africa
01/01/1997 Study of Land-Use and Deforestation In Central and West African Tropical Forest Using High Resolution SAR Satellite Imagery