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Displaying 101 - 125 of 134
Start Date Title
01/01/2000 Agricultural Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Population, Biophysical, and Geographical Factors Affecting Land Use/Land Cover Change and Landscape Structure: Part 2
01/01/2000 Assessing Future Stability of US High Plains Land-Cover: Integration of Process Modeling with Landsat, In Situ Modern and Paleoclimatic Data
01/01/2000 Combined Satellite Mapping of Siberian Landscapes: Natural and Anthropogenic Factors Affecting Carbon Balance
01/01/2000 Development Sprawl Impacts on the Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics of the United States
01/01/2000 Effects of Land-Use on Climate and Water Resources: Application of a Land Surface Model for Land-Use Management
01/01/2000 Fires and Emissions from Temperate and Boreal Ecosystems in North America: Past, Present, and Future
01/01/2000 GOFC Data and Information for Tropical Forest Assessment and Management
01/01/2000 Imaging Radar for the Study of Land Cover and Land Use Change
01/01/2000 Improvements in Landsat Pathfinder methods for monitoring tropical deforestation and their extension to extra-tropical areas
01/01/2000 Land-Cover/Land-Use Change and Carbon Dynamics in an Expanding Frontier in Western Amazonia: Acre, Brazil
01/01/2000 Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Sonora, Mexico:  Trajectories of Agricultural Intensification and Consequences for Non-Agricultural Ecosystems: Part 2
01/01/2000 Modeling and Forecasting Effects of Land Use Change in China Based on Socioeconomic Drivers: Part 2
01/01/2000 Operational Monitoring of Alteration in Regional Forest Cover Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data
01/01/2000 Pattern to Process: Research and Applications for Understanding Multiple Interactions and Feedbacks on Land Cover Change
01/01/2000 Satellite Observation of Boreal Land Cover: Methods, Data Sets and Applications
01/01/2000 Sources and Sinks of Carbon in Land-Use Change
01/01/2000 The Role of Land-Cover Change in the High Latitude Ecosystems: Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle: Part 2
01/01/2000 Towards Methodologies for Global Monitoring of Forest Cover Characteristics with Coarse Resolution Data
01/01/1999 Monitoring the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor: A NASA/CCAD Cooperative Research Project
01/01/1998 Anthropogenic Landscape Changes and the Dynamics of Amazonian Forest Biomass
01/01/1998 Human and Physical Dimensions of Land Use/Cover Change in Amazonia: Forest Regeneration and Landscape Structure
01/01/1998 The Present and Future Effects of Ground Fires on Forest Carbon Stocks, Metabolism, Hydrology, and Economic Value in Amazonia and the Cerrado
01/01/1997 Agricultural Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Population, Biophysical, and Geographical Factors Affecting Land Use/Land Cover Change and Landscape Structure
01/01/1997 Assessing Future Stability of US High Plains Landcover: Integration of Process Modeling with Landsat, In situ Modern and Paleoclimatic Data
01/01/1997 Causes And Consequences Of Land Cover Change In A Greater Ecosystem: Trend And Risk Assessment, Monitoring, And Outreach