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Displaying 76 - 100 of 134
Start Date Title
01/01/2005 Multi-scale Impacts of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change on Giant Panda Habitats
01/01/2005 NELDA: Monitoring and Validating the Distribution and Change in Land Cover Across Northern Eurasia
01/01/2005 Regional Hydrologic Response of Semi-Arid Mediterranean Climate Watersheds to Land-Cover/Land-Use Variability: Predictive Models Based on MODIS Products
01/01/2005 Relationship between Land Cover/Land Use Change and Surface Hydrology over Arid and Semiarid Regions
01/01/2005 Role of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Hydrology of Eurasian Pan-Arctic
01/01/2005 Understanding the Role of Changes in Land-Use/Land-Cover and Atmospheric Dust Loading and their Coupling on Climate Change in the NEESPI Study Domain Drylands
01/01/2005 Vulnerability of US National Parks to Land Use and Climate Change and Variability: Part 2
01/01/2004 Agricultural Land Use and the Transformation of Planet Earth:  Investigating the Effects of Land Use Practices on the Ecological, Biogeochemical, and Hydrological Systems of the Planet
01/01/2004 Forest Woody Biomass Carbon Estimates of North America from Synergistic Analysis of MODIS, MISR, and JERS Data in Support of the North American Carbon Program
01/01/2004 Integrated Regional Climate Study with a Focus on the Land-Use Land-Cover Change and Associated Changes in Hydrological Cycles in the Southeastern United States
01/01/2004 Northern Eurasia Landcover Dynamics Analysis (NELDA) Project: Monitoring and Validating the Distribution and Change in Land Cover Across Northern Eurasia
01/01/2004 The Influence of Historical and Projected Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Land Surface Hydrology and Regional Weather and Climate Variability
01/01/2004 The Role of Land-Cover Change in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia in Altering Regional Hydrological Processes Under a Changing Climate
01/01/2004 Using MODIS Data to Characterize Climate Model Land Surface Processes and the Impacts of Land Use/Cover Change on Surface Hydrological Processes
01/01/2001 Burned Area Mapping in Southern Africa:  Case Study Synthesis and Regional Application of MODIS Data
01/01/2001 Consequences of Institutional Change: Land-cover Dynamics in Kazakhstan 1960-2000
01/01/2001 Driving Forces of Change in Regional Carbon Stocks: Comparison of the Western Oregon, USA and St. Petersburg Region, Russia
01/01/2001 Effect of Land Use, Soils, and Human Populations on Export of Water, C, N, and P from the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain
01/01/2001 Influence of Humans, Climate, and Fire on Forest Ecosystems and Carbon Dynamics in Indonesian Borneo
01/01/2001 Land-Use Change in Temperate East Asia:  Land Cover Changes Impacts on Carbon Fluxes and Land Productivity
01/01/2001 Scaling Up the Ecosystem Consequences of Forest Expansion in the Great Plains Region:  A Renewal Proposal
01/01/2001 Simulating of Land Use Dynamics in Southeast Asia: A Cellular Automation Approach
01/01/2001 Spatial Predictive Modeling and Remote Sensing of Land Use Change in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
01/01/2001 The Effects of Agricultural Expansion on Regional Hydrology in Southeastern Turkey
01/01/2000 A Comparative Study of Forest Mapping Methods and Algorithms: Towards Optimal Solutions for Operational Global Forest Mapping/Monitoring