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Displaying 51 - 75 of 134
Start Date Title
06/01/2009 Land Use Change, Protected Areas, and Biodiversity in the Caucasus and Ural Mountains
06/01/2009 Modeling Strategies for Adaptation to Linked Climate and Land Use Change in the United States
05/21/2009 Contribution to Studies of LCLUC in Northern Eurasia
05/20/2009 Interactive Changes of Ecosystems and Societies on the Mongolian Plateau: From Coupled Regulations of Land Use and Changing Climate to Adaptation
05/15/2009 Changes of Land Cover and Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Northern Eurasia: Impacts on Human Adaptation and Quality of Life at Regional and Global Scales
05/01/2009 Understanding and Predicting the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Land Use and Land Cover Change Via Socio-Economic Institutions in Southern Africa
04/22/2009 Remote Sensing Of Forest Structure Across Multiple Scales From Leaves To Canopies And Stands
04/01/2009 Impact of Rapid Land-Use Change in the Northern Great Plains: Integrated Modeling of Land-Use Patterns, Biophysical Responses, Sustainability, and Economic and Environmental Consequences
05/12/2008 Northern Eurasian Landscapes: Interactions between Humans, Hydrology, Land Cover and Land Use
05/01/2008 Land Use - Ecosystem - Climate Interactions in Monsoon Asia
05/01/2008 Three Decades of Forest Cover Change in the Americas Evaluated Using the Geocover and MDGLS Data Sets
04/23/2008 Developing Land Cover Classification Products in Monsoon Asia Over the Period of 2004-2007 Through Integration of Landsat and ALOS/PALSAR Images
04/01/2008 Land Cover and Land Use Change and its Effects on Carbon Dynamics in Monsoon Asian Region
04/01/2008 Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes in Temperate Forests of European Russia: The Past, the Current, and the Future
01/01/2008 Comparison of the Advanced Wide Field Sensor to Landsat for Supplying General Land Cover Land Use Change Detection Products Needed for NASA LCLUC Program Science
01/01/2008 Interactive Effects of Conservation and Development Policies on Land Cover and Panda Habitat in the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuary (China)
01/01/2006 Exacerbation of Flooding Responses Due to Land Cover/Land Use Change: A Comparative Study
01/01/2006 Human and Physical Dimensions of LCLUC in Amazonia
01/01/2006 Multi-Agent Models of LCLUC Dynamics in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon
01/01/2005 A Comprehensive Statistical Analysis System to Associate Local Land-Cover/Land-Use Change and Regional Aerosol Composition and Concentration
01/01/2005 Application of Space-Based Technologies to Examine Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Along a Transect on the Yamal Peninsula and Novaya Zemlya, Russia
01/01/2005 Changing Responses of Land Dynamics and Vulnerability to Flooding Under Policy and Environmental Change near Poyang Lake, China
01/01/2005 Interactive Drivers of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change in Agricultural Areas: Climate and Land-Manager Choices
01/01/2005 Land Cover Land Use Change Effects on Surface Water Quality: Integrated MODIS and SeaWiFS Assessment of the Dnieper and Don River Basins and their Reservoirs
01/01/2005 Landscape Vulnerability-Resilience in the Southern Yucatan Peninsular Region (SYPR)