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Displaying 26 - 50 of 134
Start Date Title
04/01/2014 Land Cover and Land Use Changes and Their Effects on Carbon Dynamics in South and South East Asia: A Synthesis Study
04/01/2014 LCLUC Synthesis: Ecosystem-Society Interactions on a Changing Mongolian Plateau
04/01/2014 Mapping Industrial Forest Plantations in Tropical Monsoon Asia Through Integration of Landsat and PALSAR Imagery
04/01/2014 Monitoring and Mapping the Area, Extent and Shifting Geographies of Industrial Forests in the Tropics
04/01/2014 Multiscale Synthesis of Land Cover and Land Use, Climatic and Societal Changes in Drylands of Central Asia
04/01/2014 Prototyping Global Industrial Forest Mapping, a Landsat Spatio-Temporal Approach
04/01/2014 Regional and Global Climate and Societal Impacts of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Northern Eurasia: A Synthesis Study Using Remote Sensing Data and An Integrated Global System Model
04/01/2014 Yamal LCLUC Synthesis: A Synthesis of Remote-Sensing Studies, Ground Observations and Modeling to Understand the Social-Ecological Consequences of Climate Change and Resource Development on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia and Relevance to the Circumpolar Arctic
01/01/2014 Assessment of North American Industrial Forests: Disturbances, Biomass Extraction, and Growth Vigor
01/01/2013 Environmental and Socioeconomic Outcomes of the New African Green Revolution
01/01/2013 Examining the Links Between Agriculture and Human Health in a Context of Climate Change: A Case Study of Three West African Countries - Niger, Burkina
01/01/2013 Increased Accessibility, Landscape Changes, Rural Transformations, and Urbanization: Impacts of the East-West Economic Corridor from Da Nang, Vietnam, to Khon Kaen, Thailand
01/01/2013 Land Management Impacts on Water Quality in New Zealand Across Political Boundaries
01/01/2013 The Role of Environmental, Socioeconomic, Institutional, and Land-Cover/LandUse Change Factors to Explain the Pattern and Causal Drivers of Anthropogenic Fires in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe
01/01/2013 Understanding and Simulating Global Urban Expansion in the Context of Climate Change
01/01/2013 Water Institutions and Agricultural Land-Use Change Across the Western U.S.
12/15/2012 Food, Price and Conflict: Earth Observations-Based Agricultural Production Forecasting to Assess Potential Impacts on Grain Markets and Civil Unrest.
12/15/2012 Social Drivers of Land Cover Change Around African Transboundary Peace Parks
04/01/2012 Vulnerability and Adaptive Management of Tropical Coastal Wetlands in the Context of Land Use and Climate Change
01/01/2012 Land and Resource Use on the Amazon Floodplain Under Evolving Management Systems and Environmental Change: Fish, Forests, Cattle, and Settlements
01/01/2012 LCLUC Synthesis: Forested Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Far East of Northern Eurasia Under the Combined Drivers of Climate and Socio-Economic Transformation
01/01/2012 Mapping and Monitoring of Wetland Dynamics for Improved Resilience and Delivery of Ecosystem Services in the Mid-Atlantic Region
08/01/2009 Investigating the Relationship Between Land Use/Land Cover Change, Hydrologic Cycle, and Climate in Semi-Arid Central Asia
07/01/2009 Grassland Ecosystems and Societal Adaptations Under Changing Grazing Intensity and Climate on the Mongolian Plateau
06/01/2009 Adaptation to Rapid Land-Use and Climate Changes on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: Remote Sensing and Models for Analyzing Cumulative Effects