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Sentinel 2A data access

today we are happy to announce the opening of the S2A data access to all users via the Scientific data Hub: The Sentinel-2A data quality status can be found at: Sentinel-2 is currently in its Ramp-up Phase, milestones can be found here: With an average of 10 minutes MSI sensing time per orbit, Sentinel-2A is currently acquiring Europe and Africa systematic on every orbit, while the rest of the sunlit world land masses between 56 degrees South and 84 degrees North will be mapped with a 30 days revisit time. As this acquisition plan will evolve, we will publish the acquisition plans alwasys for one cycle = 10 days ahead at A new version (V2.0) of the S2 toolbox is available at The ESA Sentinel App is available at Wishing you a good data access!

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